team profile
Hi I'm

Kyle Glasgow

Client Onboarding Specialist

Originally from Belfast, Kyle made the move to Sydney six years ago to pursue his ambitions. A dedicated professional, he is passionate about client onboarding and relationship development. In his role as a Client Onboarding Specialist, Kyle skilfully blends his strengths and enthusiasm to connect with clients. His primary responsibility involves guiding individuals through the initial stages of partnering with Search Property and providing further clarity on the process.

Professional Background and expertise

Your journey into the real estate investment field

My interest in property began years ago in Ireland, influenced by my father's career. When I moved to Australia 7 years ago, I was working in hospitality but soon shifted my focus to wealth building and the property market, seeing great potential here. With a background in sales and business operations, I pivoted into real estate. I invested in my education, taking a course on sales and high-ticket services, and soon landed a role with a buyer's agent in Sydney. I was committed to adding value and advancing in this field.

Inspired by Ravi, a leader in the industry, I reached out to join his team as SP was expanding, and that move has significantly shaped my career.

Areas of real estate investment you're most knowledgeable about

My expertise centers on building strong relationships with clients, helping them move past their initial concerns to achieve their financial ambitions. I firmly believe in taking action over endless deliberation. This proactive philosophy drives my approach to real estate investment.

A challenging memory that comes to mind

Facing challenges head-on, I've proven my problem-solving skills and resilience. Transitioning into a new industry was tough, requiring strong self-belief. Despite self-doubt, I stayed committed and pursued advanced training to quickly gain expertise. My determination and resilience paid off, allowing me to successfully navigate this change and demonstrate my resolve.

Personal Philosophy and Values

Building relationships is crucial in this journey. It's essential for our clients to trust not just the process, but also the people they delegate it to. I strive to be reliable, honest, and caring.

Understanding the reasons behind your investment goals is more important than the process itself. While property selection is critical, knowing who you're doing it for is truly inspiring. With the long-term goal of building a portfolio and maximising gains, the path to financial freedom can seem distant, but understanding your 'why' and 'who' provides all the necessary context.

In my client interactions, I focus on forging strong, trust-based relationships grounded in integrity and empathy, always keeping in mind the motivations that drive their investment decisions. This understanding acts as a compass that guides our collaborative efforts toward mutual success.

Achievements and Client Success Stories

A standout moment in my career involved a conversation with a proud indigenous community leader. He aimed to use real estate to build wealth and give back to his community. As the mayor of his community, he was dedicated to leading by example. His goal was to purchase five properties over the next five years. After reviewing his financial situation, we determined this was achievable with the right support team. He’s already secured his second property with our help. It’s inspiring to see the impact his achievements will have on his community—he’s an absolute legend!

For those new to investing, I recommend starting small, building confidence step by step, and seeking expert advice to confidently navigate the complexities of real estate investment.

team hobbies outside work

Hobbies and Interests Outside Work

Mornings are my time to shine. I'm often at Bondi Icebergs, either in the sauna, swimming laps, or hitting the gym—that really energises me! I also have a deep love for coffee, having worked in the specialty coffee industry for years, so starting my day with a good cup is a ritual I cherish. Music is another big passion - one that I share with my brother.

I've always believed that you get out what you put in, both professionally and personally. Whether it’s a morning swim or any challenge, my goal is to improve daily, make tough tasks easier over time, and apply this growth mindset to my career. This approach keeps me focused on continuous learning and becoming more adept as time goes on.

Vision and Future Goals

As someone who keeps an eye on market trends, I see loads of opportunities in Australia's ever-changing real estate scene. Sometimes people miss that the opportunities they thought were gone in places like Sydney are popping up in other markets today. Australia and its markets are evolving, offering similar returns on investment elsewhere. My focus is on spotting these emerging markets and developing innovative investment strategies for future growth.

Looking ahead, I aim to secure permanent residency in Australia, kick off my own property investment journey, and keep empowering our clients towards financial independence. These goals highlight my commitment to continuous growth and making a difference in the real estate world.

team vision and future goals
A drawing of a house on a black background.

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