team profile
Hi I'm

Irene Pumar

Office Manager

Irene, our Property Research Analyst, excels in collecting and analysing data on Australian suburbs, focusing on market trends, property values, and demographic changes. She provides essential insights that assists clients make informed investment decisions. Irene's expertise in simplifying complex data offers our buyers a strategic edge in the dynamic real estate market, guiding them towards successful investments.

Professional Background and expertise

Your journey into the real estate investment field

My journey into the real estate investment field began in 2015 when I joined a real estate team in Arizona, USA, as a Virtual Professional. Over the years, I gained valuable experience and insight into the industry. Last year in March (2023), I decided to take a leap forward in my career by joining the Search Property Team in Australia. This transition represented not only a strategic move for career growth but also a testament to my passion and dedication to the real estate investment sector.

Areas of real estate investment you're most knowledgeable about

My expertise lies primarily in listing homes for sale and rent, including drawing insights from complex data sets for the purpose of identifying great investment opportunities. Over the years, I've gained extensive experience in these aspects of the real estate industry.

A challenging memory that comes to mind

The most challenging project I've tackled involved piloting new tools and creating comprehensive guidelines for my team. To navigate this, I adopted a trial-and-error approach, meticulously testing every aspect of the system. Effective time management and meticulous attention to detail were crucial in ensuring the project's success despite its complexities.

Personal Philosophy and Values

I’ve learned that customer experience should always be the top priority. We cannot always control external forces, but how we interact with our clients will play a significant impact in driving a positive experience with our clients.

Achievements and Client Success Stories

team hobbies outside work

Hobbies and Interests Outside Work

I love traveling with my family, often to the beach or sometimes abroad.

These trips enhance my job performance in many ways. They improve my ability to handle unexpected situations and be flexible, boost my communication skills, sharpen my problem-solving abilities, deepen my understanding of different cultures, enhance my time management, and help me manage stress effectively. Traveling is not just for fun; it's a secret training ground that enhances my professional skills.

Vision and Future Goals

The future of real estate investment is poised for significant shifts, driven by technological advancements and evolving work trends. Remote work's rise may reshape demand for real estate, while innovations like virtual reality tours and data analytics will revolutionise how investors research, transact, and manage properties.

Personal Goals: On a personal level, I am committed to maintaining a healthy work-life balance while excelling in my role. This involves prioritising self-care activities such as regular exercise, mindfulness practices, and spending quality time with loved ones. If time permits, further my education and personal development by pursuing relevant courses or certifications that can complement my professional skills and broaden my horizons.

Professional Goals: I aim to enhance my expertise and efficiency in providing top-notch services to investment real estate professionals. This includes staying updated on industry trends, mastering relevant software tools, and continuously improving my communication and organisational skills to better support my team.

team vision and future goals
A drawing of a house on a black background.

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